How do I customize the "Options and services" tab?

How do I customize the "Options and services" tab?

This article is intended for the management or administrator of the institution.

Note that the elementsFramed in redare customizableOnly by MyScol agents. For any changes, please contact technical support.
However, you can customizeyourselfThe elementsFramed in blue.

To customize the Options and Services tab, goin the module "Parameters"Open the menu "ConfigurationThen select the tab "Registration file form"

Activation / deactivation of the "Options and services" tab

This tab can be displayed or hidden depending on the needs of the property. To do this, use the option "Options and services tab: Disable the options and services tab"

Personalization of the title of the tab "Options and services"

To change the title of the tab, use the "Options and services tab: Customize title of the options and services tab"

Personalization of the tab "Options and services"

✅1. Please contact theCustomer supportto modify this text.
✅2. You can disable the display of the block "Canteen"By going to the tabCanteenUsing the option "Deactivate the canteen (regime block in the registration form, ...)"

If the "Cantine" block is activated, it means that you are working with a canteen service. To configure it, go to the module "Management of finance"Then on the menu."Service or Discount"And seek the service"Canteen"

The service must meet the following conditions:

  • State:"Active"
  • View on the registration form:YES (if you want to post it on the registration form for parents or students)
  • Is it a canteen service?Yes

â›” It is not possible to have several canteen services.

To learn more about the configuration of the canteen service, we invite you to consult this article:

✅3. Diet options are also customizable. Please contact theSupportto make these changes.

✅4.You can disable the display of the block "Extracurricular / Other"By going to the tab"Extracurricular"And using the option"Disable extracurricular/transport: in the registration form and the interface for adding service or discount"

👉If the block"Periscolary / Other"is activated, it is necessary to configure the associated services. For this, go to the module"Finance Management", then on the menu"Provision or Discount".

Benefits must meet the following conditions:

  • State:"Active"
  • View on the registration form:YES (if you want to post it on the registration form for parents or students)
  • Extracurricular/Transport:Must include the type of extracurricular benefit concerned.

To learn more about the configuration of extracurricular benefits, please see this article:

✅5.Options and benefits tab: Customize the wording of the other benefits block
This option makes it possible to customize the wording of the block "Other services". If this option is left empty, the block will be hidden.

👉 These services concern those that do not fall under the canteen or the extracurricular.

✅6. If all blocks above it are disabled, this block will also be hidden.

Elements visible only to management

💡In the management portal, a discount block and a quote generation button are available depending on the selected options.

✅7.Options and services tab: Customize the wording of the discount block
This option allows you to customize the label of the discount block. If this option is left empty, the block will be hidden.

✅8.Generate a quote from the 'options and services' tab

For each service created (cantine, extracurricular, or any other service), it is essential to define a rate so that it appears in the corresponding list.

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