How to customize the "Validation" tab?

How to customize the "Validation" tab?

This article is intended for school administrators or management.

Note that the elements outlined in red can only be customized by MyScol agents. For any modifications, please contact technical support.
However, you can customize the elements outlined in blue yourself.

To customize the validation tab, go to the "Settings" module, open the "Configuration" menu, and select the "Registration Form" tab.

Customization of the tab "Validation"

✅1.Validation tab: Customize text in the validation tab

✅2.Validation tab: Disable validation block (check box). If you disable this option, remember to change the text from the option 'Validation tab: Customize text in validation tab' please

📷Interface after clearing the checkbox block (2) and editing informative text (1)

✅3. Please contact the Customer support to personalize the message of the first consent.

📷Interface after changing the text of consent 1

✅4.Validation tab: Customize the label of the link to the registration folder
This option allows you to customize the label of the link to the registration folder in the validation tab. If no label is filled in, the default value "registration folder" will be displayed

📷Interface after changing the link wording

✅5.Validation tab: Personalized message for the second consent

✅6.Validation tab: Personalized message for third consent
This option allows you to personalize the message of the third consent. In the absence of input, the default consent message will be used.

📷Interface after amending the third consent

✔7. Management of signatures
There are two options for each signature: one hides the signature, and the other allows you to customize the signature text.
An option called "Validation tab: Force the display of two signatures"forces the display of two signatures, even if the options"Validation tab: Disable signature 1"and"Validation tab: Disable signature 2 (Single signature for validation)"are activated.

✅7.a.1Validation tab: Disable signature 1
✅7.a.2Validation tab: Signature message 1
✅7.b.aValidation tab: Disable signature 2 (Single signature for validation)
✅7.b.2Validation tab: Signature 2

Various overviews of the "List of authorizations" tab by different types of institutions

First Degree School (Maternal) / Second Degree School (College)

Higher Education / CFA (Apprenticeship Training Centre)

Related article:
How do I add a second consent text to the registration form?
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