This article is intended for school administrators or management.
The pre-registration dashboard is a key element in providing a seamless and intuitive user experience. A clear and personalized interface allows prospective students to easily track their progress and complete their file without confusion. In this article, we will see how to customize this dashboard according to the needs of your establishment.
How do I access this dashboard?
Accessing this dashboard is this way: after creating his account, the parent or student connects to his personal space, then opens the dashboard in the module "Registration and reregistration".
For more information, see also:

Note that items outlined in red are customizable only by MyScol agents. For any changes, please contact technical support.
However, you can customize the elements outlined in blue yourself.

The different configurations detailed in the rest of this article are carried out in the "Settings" module, then in the "Configuration" menu.
What are the customizable elements and how do I modify them?
The first time you connect to MyScol, the parent or student accesses this interface to complete their information before starting registration. The text displayed on this interface is customizable. If you would like to change it, please contact the
Technical support.

1. Customization of the application addition block
1.HTML block: It is possible to change the text and style. This block is customizable only by an agent.
2.HTML block + Text block:- HTML block: You can change the color of the button or change the icon. These changes must be made by an officer.
- Block text: You can change the label by going to the "Settings" module, then on the "Configuration" menu and finally on the "Preregistration" tab. Simply change the value of the option "Text button: Add an application".
2. Personalization of the different progress texts
2.1 State "Untreated", "Waiting list", "No places available", "Pre-registration accepted"
3.Block text: You can customize this text by going to the "Preregistration" tab.
4.Block text: This text can be edited in the "Preregistration" tab.
5.HTML block: If you want to change the color or label of the button, you can contact the Technical support.
6.HTML block: It is possible to change the texts, color or label of the button. To do this, please contact the Technical support.
2.2 State "Pre-registration"
7.Block text: This text is customizable only by an agent
2.3 Status "Registration accepted" + pending re-registration
8.Block text: You can edit this text by going to the "Preregistration" tab.
9.HTML block: It is possible to change the text and style (color) of this button. This customization can be carried out by an agent
2.4 State "Re-registration refused"
10.HTML block: To edit this text, please contact support.
11.Block text: To change this text, go to the tab "Preregistration".
2.5 Status "Re-registration accepted"
12.Block text: To change this text, go to the tab "Preregistration".

Messages displayed in the Progress column for the different states are customizable