This article is intended for school administrators or management.
Each institution has specific pre-registration requirements, depending on its level of education and administrative needs. A standard form does not always effectively respond to these peculiarities. This is why customizing the pre-registration form is essential to optimize information collection and simplify file management.
Our MyScol solution makes it possible to adapt the form according to the criteria defined by the institution: mandatory fields, masking of certain fields, and much more. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for different types of establishments:
- First degree schools (Kindergarten and primary)
- Schools of the second degree (Colleges and high schools)
- Higher education (universities, specialized schools)
- Cfa (Apprenticeship Training Centres)
In addition, some advanced options are only available to MyScol agents. To enable or disable these specific features, it is necessary to contact customer support. This approach ensures a configuration adapted to the needs of each institution while maintaining secure and efficient management of the pre-registration process.
In this article, we explain how to configure and customize your pre-registration form to perfectly meet the needs of your structure.
The different configurations detailed in the rest of this article are carried out in the "Settings" module, then in the "Configuration" menu.
A. First degree schools (kindergarten and primary) / Second degree schools (colleges and high schools)
πThese fields are customizable on the tab "Preregistration".

1.a Disable the country of birth block
1.b Disable the city of birth block
1.c Disable the birth department block
1.d Disable the nationality block
2.e Personalize the wording for Last type of establishment frequented
πThis option allows you to personalize the wording of the last type of establishment frequented. In addition, if no value is entered, the field will be disabled and will not appear in the form.
2.f Customize the wording of the class attended
πThis option allows you to customize the wording of the class attended. In addition, if no value is entered, the field will be disabled and will not appear in the form.
3. Personalize the label school file
πThis option allows you to customize the text displayed for the "Bulletin/School Booklet" field (or "Bulletin" / "Booklet").
If no value is entered, the default label "Bulletin/School Booklet" will be used.

If you would like to view a personalized message for the school report card / Academic transcript, please send your message to technical support, which will take care of the implementation.

If you wish to disable or hide the "Registration File" (or School report card / Academic transcript), please contact the Technical support.
4.Managing the photo
πTwo options are available for the photo:
4.1 Add/Edit student: View photo block?π This option allows you to show or hide the photo block.β
4.2 Photo compulsoryπ This option makes it mandatory to upload the photo.
5. Disable the original establishment information
π This option hides information about the home establishment.
6. Customize the wording of additional information
πIt allows you to change the wording of the field "Additional information" from the parent/student side pre-registration form. To disable this field (and not display it on the pre-registration form), please delete its value.
π‘MyScol offers 3 types of pre-registration:
1. Pre-registration by class level
πIn this type of pre-registration, a list of class levels is displayed (B).
The label of this list can be customized using the option below π:
If you would like to filter this list by property type, simply enable the option to view the property type list (A) π.

Note that the list of institution types can only be enabled if class level pre-registration is enabled.
2. Pre-registration by class, class level and section
You can enable pre-registration by class, class level and section using the option below π.
The labels of these three lists can be changed using the options belowπ. Each option corresponds to a field identified by an alphabetical letter.
If you do not use the "Section" field, you can hide it in the pre-registration form by activating the option belowπ.
3. Pre-registration by labels
πBy activating this option, pre-registration will be done by assigning labels to students rather than assigning to a class. When a parent or student submits an application, a list of labels will appear, allowing them to select one or more.
The optionEIt allows you to change the wording of the list.
The optionFActivates pre-registration by label.

Label pre-registration is only available if the option "Show class, class level and section in the pre-registration form?"It is disabled.
B. Higher education (universities and specialized schools) / CFA (Apprenticeship Training Centre)
πAll changes to first and second degree schools also apply to higher education.

Note for the different establishments:
If you wish to limit new registrations based on the number of places available, please contact the Technical support.
If the limitation option is enabled and the seat quota is reached for a class or class level, this informative block will be displayed.π