This article is intended for school administrators or management.

Note that the elements outlined in red are customizable only by MyScol agents. For any changes, please contact technical support.
However, you can customize yourself the elements outlined in blue.
To customize the list of permissions, navigateIn the "Settings" module, open the "Configuration" menu, then select the "Registration Application Form" tab.
Enabling/disabling the "List of Permissions" tab
This tab can be displayed or hidden depending on the needs of the property. To do this, use the option "Permissions list tab: Disable the Permissions list tab"
Customization of the tab"List of Permissions"
Use the options below to customize each framed block in the previous screenshot.π
1.List tab of permissions: Authorization modification of the child's information (I agree to report ...)
2.Permissions list tab: Customize accompanying block text of the permissions list (block title)
β3. Accompaniment block:
3.a Permissions list tab: View accompanying block for all levels
πIf this option is enabled, this block will appear for all class levels (kindergarten, primary, middle, high school), regardless of the value of the option "Disable the accompaniment block (for kindergartens)"
3.bTab list of authorizations: Disable accompaniment block (For kindergartens)
πIf this option is enabled, the accompaniment block will be hidden for kindergarten classes.
πAny changes to this option will not be taken into account if the option "Show the accompaniment block for all levels" is activated.
4. To change the text of this block, please contact theTechnical support.
β5. Customization of permissions
5. a Permissions list tab: Customize text from: Leave school alone
5.b Permissions list tab: Output for half a day
5.c Permissions list tab: Publication of photos and videos
5.d Permissions list tab: Customize text of: Post photos on social networks
β6. Customization of radio options
6.a Permission tab: YES for radio button YES/NO. Example: We do not allow(Plural)
6.b Permission tab: YES for radio button YES/NO. Example: We allow(Plural)
6.c Permission tab: Label NO for radio button YES/NO. Example: I do not allow(Singular)
6.d Permission tab: YES for radio button YES/NO. Example: I authorize(Singular)
Various overviews of the "List of authorizations" tab by different types of institutions
First Degree School (Maternal) / Second Degree School (College)

Higher education