School Life
How do I use the call sheet?
1. See you in the module "School life"
What features ensure pedagogical continuity?
The textbook makes it possible to: -transmittingdocuments or link to documents - give work to be done online: copies rendered by students are then downloaded by the teacher. Discussions to exchange simply: Teachers and students can dialogue via ...
How do I seize punishment/sanction?
1. See you in the module "School life" 2.Then go to the menuSanctions / Punishmentsand click on "Add punishment or punishment" Then follow the instructions displayed. Enter the necessary information, then click on "Validate" To notify parents, after ...
How do I attach a textbook to a course?
The work to be done or the assessment of the meeting is included in the textbook. The course can be published automatically at the end of the course by selecting the course of the day. To record a session in advance: - Manually indicate the desired ...
How can we make an unpaid duty or an unjustified absence counts as 0 on average?
1. See you in the module "School life" 2.Click on the menuDutiesThen on the icon 3.coher "Absent or Excused" By default, an absence does not affect the average. In the event that the absence was to result in a 0, it is necessary uncheck the box ...
How do I enter the notes?
1. See you in the module "School life" 2. Click on the menu "Management of ratings/evaluations"Then on"Add an assessment" 3.Enter the necessary information, then click "Validate". 4.You can enter the note and add an observation if needed, and then ...
How do I add multiple files to the textbook?
1. See you in the module "School life"Then the menu"Non-teacher staff" 2.Click to "Add textbook" 3.Click "Attach Files" at the bottom of the page and select the desired file. To add more than one file, click the "ctrl" key + select all the desired ...
How to find general student information
Click on the module "School Life" Click on the Students menu and then on the icon