School Life Management
Management of classes
1. See you in the module "School life" 2.Click on the "Management of class levels" and thenon the iconto archive 3.Enter the necessary information and then click "Validate for aPlay a new level of class. Tutorial video Step by step guide In the ...
Multi-level class management or class grouping
To create a multi-level class or group multiple classes: Go to the moduleSchool life: Click on theManagement of classesThenAdding a class Select the level(s) you want to assign to this class Validate the change Edit a multi-level class Click on the ...
How is the overall average on MyScol calculated?
For each student, it is possible to calculate the average of the different assessments of a given subject. Ratings can be scored out of 5, 10 or 20 and have coefficients of different To calculate the average, MyScol Bring back the notes Out of 20. ...
How to generate and send the certificate of tuition or training certificate?
Click on the module "School Life" Then on the "Students" menu To send the certificate of tuition by messaging MyScol Check the student boxes then from the list of actions, select "Send a PDF document via email"Then"Certificate of schooling"ThenClick ...
How do I view the number of exclusions on the newsletter?
Click on the module "Parameters" Then on the menu."Configuration" Click on the button "Editing"Of the option"Show exclusions on the newsletter" (1):Check the button (value must be YES) (2):Click on "Save" On the newsletter you can find theNumber of ...
How to manage each teacher's subject assessments and overall student appreciation per semester
TUTORIAL Video PROCEDURE is NOT 1. Click on the module "School life" 2. Click on the "Students" menu 3. Select the student's class to facilitate search 4. Click on the blue icon to view the data of the student concerned 5. Choose the tab 'Note ...