Creating staff
1. See you in the module "Human resources"Then the menu"Non-teacher staff" 2. Click on the link "Add oneNon-teaching staff", enter staff information, validate with the button "Validate" Please select the right type of staff from the drop-down list ...
Profiles and User Access
List of profiles with access to modules Administrator => No restrictions Direction => Same as administrator except technical settings (General adjustment menu) Secretary => Same thing with some restrictions Financial Administrative => Full access to ...
How do I modify a template / template (certificate of school, email notification)?
To change automatic email templates like "notification" or "adding child": Click on the "Communication" module and then on the menu "E-Mailing/Sms model" Then on the icon "Edit"
How to hide student GDPR data?
This option hides student GDPR data (date of birth, address, phone number) for all profiles except admin and direction. 1. Go to the module "Parameters" 2. Click on the menu "Configuration" 3. Choose the tab "Adjustments" 4. Look for the option "Hide ...