Management of classes

Management of classes

1. See you in the module "School life"

2.Click on the "Management of class levels" and thenon the iconto archive
3.Enter the necessary information and then click "Validate for aPlay a new level of class.

Tutorial video

Step by step guide

In the School Life module, you will find two main menus dedicated to managing the training levels and classes of your institution:

1. Menu Class Level Management: This menu allows you to structure the different levels of education (or cycles) present in your institution.

Example for a college: You will need to create four distinct levels: 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd.

Example for higher education or a CFA: Create the levels corresponding to the different years of study, such as BTS MCO 1st year and BTS MCO 2nd year.

Important note: On the pre-registration form, it is these levels that will be visible to parents or candidates, not the list of individual classes.

2.Class Management Menu:This menu allows you to add an unlimited number of classes to one or more levels of education. It is mandatory to create at least one class for each previously established class level. For each class, the assignment of subjects and teachers is mandatory

Class Level Management

To create a class level and class, please follow these steps:

Click the Class Level Management menu. Then fill in the fields with the required information:

🙂Labelled: Name of level

🙂Type of establishment

🙂Level of class: this is to sort classes by level (1 , 2, 3 .... )


Then in the menuManagement of classes, you find the optionAdding a classwhich takes you back to the class add interface,cOmpéthe fields and click onValidate


Management of classes

This button allows you to change a class

This button assigns materials for the selected class. Please create the materials beforehand by clicking on the Material Management menu.

This button assigns one or more lead teachers for the selected class. You can select only teachers who were assigned to subjects in the previous step (Assignment of subjects to teachers and classes).

This button is used to archive a class. Archived classes will no longer be displayed in the application class lists.

Delete a class definitively:
To delete a class, please click on the 'View archived classes'.

TheButton ADefinitely deletes an archived class.
Note that only classes not associated with a schedule, homework, or textbook, etc., can be deleted.
TheButton BRestores an archived class.

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