Internal messaging is available in your interface, this communication tool allows you toExchangemessages and attachments with your child's teachers as well as administrative staff and school management.
From the homepage, click on the module"Communication"Or onThe icon of the envelopeat the top right of your screen.
The communication tool will give you access to themessaging (inbox and mailbox), to theNotifications receivedAnd to theevents scheduled by the establishment.When you log in to it, you are automatically directed to the inbox of your internal email.
Consult your messages (Inbox): The number of messages not viewed appears next to "inbox". Click on the name of the recipient or on the subject of the message you want to view, the content will appear on the screen. If an attachment is available, a paperclip will appear in the "elements" column.
The column with a silhouette "type of user" informs you, when you hover your mouse over the logo, about the quality of the sender of the message (eg teacher, secretariat, study director, Senior Education Advisor, etc...). The logo with the 2 blue bubbles means that there is an exchange between sender and recipient of the message.
To reply to a sent message, click on the "reply" button. A window opens in which you can type and layout your message. It is also possible to download files to attach to your communication. Click on "Send". The window closes and the "success" notification appears at the top right of the page to confirm that the shipment worked well.
The thread of the conversation appears automatically.The logo with the 2 blue bubbles will then be displayed in the message summary table.
Messages sent:Messages you have initiated are archived in the "Sent" section. To view them and continue the thread started, simply perform the same steps as previously explained with the inbox.
Creating a new message:Click on+New messageto bring up the writing window that breaks down as follows:
- Selection bar of one or more recipients.
- SUJECT description bar (subject) of your message.
- White content writing page with options for layout.
- Fields for adding files (attachment).
- ButtonsCancelandSend
Start withSSelect the recipient(s) of your message.Recipients are classified by category (administration, teachers of the classes in which your children are enrolled, etc...). You can write to all registered recipients in each category by clicking in the square(s) next to the list(s) that interests you.
If you want to write to specific people belonging to different categories, click on the + opposite the list(s) of categories that interests you.
By placing your cursor in the "select a user" bar, you can also type the name of the recipient(s) you are looking for. Then tick the box in front of their name
Specify the topic (subject) of your message in the bar provided for this purpose.
Then type the contents of your message. You can also attach one or more files. (The format and size of the files must be respected.)
When the message is ready, clickSend.
If you no longer wish to send the message, click on "Cancel.