Click on the module ""Human Resources"
Be careful, if the ticked schedules are related to a student call, deletion will not be made.
On the tab "CalendarSelect the schedule you want to delete, and then click the button "Delete"
1. Click on the "Schedules" menu and then click on the relevant EDT
2. On the schedule change window (EDT), click on the "RUPPRESSION" button
3. A new window will appear by offering weekly for the course / EDT concerned.
4. Then check the desired weeks and click on the "Delete checked EDT" button.
Click on the "Schedules" menu and then on the "Table"
Results are displayed per week: you can select the desired week
A row in the table corresponds to a schedule. To remove all slots of the year. Click on the icon
Click on the menu "Jobs of time"Then on the tab"Table"
Check the desired courses, then click on "Delete schedule"And validate.
Be careful, if the ticked schedules are related to a student call, deletion will not be made.