How to handle a passage to the infirmary?

How to handle a passage to the infirmary?

How to ensure optimal management of passages to the infirmary?

Managing infirmary passages plays a vital role in monitoring student health. Such a feature makes it possible to record each visit, documents care or treatment administered, and tracks medical history or emergencies. By centralizing this information, it guarantees rigorous traceability and facilitates communication with parents when needed.

Procedure to follow

Go to the module "School life"

Click on the menu "Moving to the infirmary"Then on the link"Add a passage to the infirmary"

Fill in all the necessary fields and click on the "Address:"

Possible actions:

  1. Consult information about a student who attended the infirmary.
  2. Change the recorded information.
  3. Duplicate a passage sheet to the infirmary.
  4. Archive a passage sheet to the infirmary.

Mass treatment

  1. Select the students for whom you want to perform mass treatment.
  2. Click on"Options".
  3. Choose one of the proposed options:
    • Archive
    • Requires medical follow-up
    • Comment reserved for the medical profession
  4. If you have chosen the optionRequires medical follow-uporComment reserved for the medical profession, a list will appear with choicesYesorNo. Please select one of the two options.
  5. Finally, click onValidateto confirm your actions.

To access archived infirmary passages, click on"See archived passages to the infirmary"

Mass restoration or deletion

  1. Go to the list of archived infirmary passages.
  2. Select the records you want to delete or restore.
  3. Click on"Options".
  4. Choose the desired action in the mass processing block (restore or delete).
  5. Click onValidateto confirm your choice.

To create a profile for nurses, please follow the procedure described in this article:

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